Designers often create over 50 logo options to start the brand identity process.1 This shows how much work goes into designing a powerful brand look. But, lots of companies make simple mistakes that can hurt their image. These mistakes range from bad design to hard-to-read text. These errors make it hard for companies to have a clear and strong brand. Many big brands also make these errors without knowing.

Having a brand identity is crucial for telling your brand’s story. But it’s not enough to just have one. Many details can ruin your brand’s look, big or small. Making these mistakes makes it hard to have a brand that stands out and speaks to your customers.2 Even famous brands mess up in these ways. Not sure if you’re doing it right? Keep reading to find out.

Key Takeaways

  • Designing a strong brand identity requires careful planning and strategic thinking, not just creative flair.
  • Overlooking key elements like target audience, brand purpose, and core values can lead to an inconsistent or ineffective visual identity.
  • Adhering to design trends without considering long-term brand sustainability can make a brand appear dated and unoriginal.
  • Comprehensive brand guidelines, including diverse imagery and intuitive iconography, are essential for maintaining a cohesive brand experience.
  • Simplifying the color palette and typography choices can enhance legibility and visual appeal across all touchpoints.

Not Knowing Your Target Audience

Creating a strong visual identity means showing how you want to be seen. The key is showing who you truly are. Then, you can connect with others in a real way.3 But, if your brand doesn’t match what you truly stand for, it won’t hit the mark, no matter how nice your logo looks.3 To be real, you must understand yourself and how you wish to be seen by others.

Understanding Your Brand’s Purpose

Use a Brand Heart workbook to figure out your brand’s purpose, vision, mission, and values.3 This step helps you make sure your brand truly reflects what it stands for.3

Creating Marketing Personas

It’s also important to create marketing personas. These are profiles that represent your ideal customer. They help you understand what your customer wants and what appeals to them.3 Using your Brand Heart and personas, you can adjust your brand to speak directly to these people.

Aligning Brand Identity with Core Values

To not forget your audience, do your homework and design with them in mind.4 Think about what makes your brand special and highlight that. This is how you can truly stand out and get noticed.4

Meaningless Logo Design

Designing logos can be both fun and challenging. It’s more than creating something eye-catching. A strong logo should reflect your brand’s identity, goals, and values. If your logo doesn’t link to your brand, it might need a redesign.5

Connecting Logo to Brand Identity

Designing a logo requires a lot of thought and creativity. For some projects, like the one we did for the WHO, we start with 50 designs.5 For the WHO’s ESPEN project, we made a logo that shows Africa with five bars. Each bar represents a disease they are fighting against.

Logo Design Process and Brainstorming

Creating a logo involves deep thought and creativity. We often begin by designing 50 different options.5

Example: ESPEN Logo Design

Take the logo we made for the WHO’s ESPEN project. Their goal is eliminating five tropical diseases. We crafted a logo showing Africa with five bars. Each bar symbolizes a disease, reflecting their mission.

Meaningful Logo Design

Limited Visual Brand Identity

Your visual identity helps you communicate across many situations.6 It’s crucial to equip your designers with the necessary tools for on-brand content.6 Without these tools, you risk getting content that doesn’t match.6 You don’t need a huge brand guide for a small startup. Still, you should cover logo, colors, and more to keep everything cohesive.

Brand Guidelines for Consistency

Creating brand guidelines is key for keeping your brand look the same everywhere.6 These guidelines need to include logo, colors, and other important design details.6 A solid framework helps your brand look and feel consistent in every piece of content.

Elements of a Comprehensive Brand Identity

A brand’s identity is more than just a logo.6 It includes many visual parts working together.6 Key parts of your brand guidelines should define your:

  • Logo and variants
  • Primary and secondary color palette
  • Typographic hierarchy and font pairings
  • Photographic and illustrative style
  • Iconography and data visualization
  • Tone of voice and messaging guidelines
  • Digital and print templates

Setting these design details from the start helps create a brand people remember.6

Clunky Web Design

A good brand identity is strong and easy to understand. If your website is hard to use or looks bad, people might leave. This hurts how they see your brand.7

Considering User Experience

When designing, think about how people will use and see your stuff. Ask yourself if your logo looks good small online. Or if that new interactive thing works on phones. These questions are very important.7

Responsive Design for All Devices

Having a clear call to action and a phone number in the header is smart. It makes it easy for customers to reach out.8 Using a design that can change and get better is key. This keeps your brand working well as things change.7

Responsive Design

Inconsistent Brand Elements

Creating a strong brand image is more than just a logo and colors.4 Every part of your brand must work together.9 First, get your logo right. Then, carefully develop each part from there.10 Your font and colors should mix well with your logo. This way, they all help make your brand standout and easy to read.

Keeping things the same everywhere people see your brand is key.10 Using different colors, fonts, or logos confuses customers. It makes it hard for them to remember your brand.4 To fix this, set clear rules for your brand. Teach your team to stick to them.10 Using branded templates also helps. It makes your marketing look the same and saves time.

Branding Element Best Practices
Logo Ensure logo design is distinctive, memorable, and aligned with your brand identity.
Color Palette Limit your color usage to 2-3 primary colors and 2 accent colors for a cohesive look.
Typography Use no more than 2-3 complementary font families throughout your branding materials.
Imagery Develop a consistent visual style for photography, illustrations, and iconography.
Tone of Voice Establish clear brand voice guidelines to ensure consistent messaging across all touchpoints.

Building a cohesive brand needs a well-thought design and careful follow-through.9 Match all your brand pieces to create something that people will remember.10 Also, keep checking what customers say. This feedback helps make your brand even more consistent and strong over time.

Lack of Diversity in Imagery

Choosing the right visuals for your brand can change how people see it. Many times, brands make the mistake of not showing enough different people in their images.11 It’s easy to find stock photos showing mainly one race. This can make many people feel left out or even hurt.11

Representing Diversity in Visuals

Showcasing various people in your brand’s pictures is key.11 Marketers now work hard to show all kinds of people in their ads. This helps everyone feel included and fights stereotypes.11 Big companies are also making real efforts to do this.11

Building an Inclusive Image Library

Set clear guidelines so your images are welcoming to everyone.11 Ask your designers to always think about showing different types of people.11 Also, gather lots of pictures that cover a wide range of people and activities.12 Doing this shows customers that you value all kinds of people, which builds trust.12

Focusing on making your images diverse can really help your brand reach out to more people.11 Starting to do this early on helps make your brand more reflective of the real world.11

Poor Typography

Typography plays a big part in how people see your brand. If it’s too messy or hard to read, you lose out.9 This happens a lot online and can push people away fast.

Legibility and Readability Tests

Make sure your text is always easy to read. Use a neat trick from lettering artist Jessica Hische.13 Need more help picking the best fonts? Check out our guide for your brand’s perfect look.

Selecting Appropriate Font Pairings

13 Fancy or tricky fonts can cause big problems. They’re hard to read far away.13 Ignoring fonts that everyone can’t read is a common error, like those who see poorly.13 To have a unified and friendly look, pick fonts that work well together and fit your brand’s style and message.

No Design System

Designing without a cohesive brand is like working on a puzzle with no picture or edges.14 It doesn’t matter how cool the pieces are; if they don’t fit, it just doesn’t work. When things are in the right order, people understand better.14 This means putting the important stuff first, like titles, then details, then other info, like pictures or short descriptions.14

Establishing Content Hierarchy

Your brand’s look isn’t just a pretty face. It needs a clear way to talk and show what it’s about.14 Setting a clear order for what people see helps them get your message.14 This way, they know what’s the most important. They follow along easier.

Intuitive Navigation and Flow

Good looks are nice, but good movement is crucial, too.14 You need to think about how people move through your brand. Where do they click first? How do they keep moving in a way that makes sense?14 This is what makes a website or store feel easy to use. It draws people in and keeps them interested.

Intuitive Navigation and Flow

When you focus on a design that’s easy to understand and move through, your brand becomes much more than pretty.14 It becomes a story that people can follow and relate to. It shows them what makes you stand out in a crowd.

Too Many Colors

Using too many colors is a common mistake in brand design. It shows the designer might be new or not too experienced.15 But, this problem is easy to fix. Just simplify your color choices.15

Simplifying Color Palette

It’s better to use a few colors well. Aim for 2 main colors, 3-5 that go well with those, and 2 extra colors.16 With this approach, your brand will look consistent everywhere, from your logo to ads.15

Curating a Cohesive Color Scheme

When picking your colors, think about what they mean and how they work together.15 Make sure they contrast well and are easy to see for all.15 By choosing your colors carefully, you can make a brand that really stands out.15

Indecipherable Icons

Icons are like shortcuts, making understanding quick and simple, every day.1 But making an effective icon means keeping it simple and clear. Some brands, however, use icons that are just too hard to figure out.17 To be sure, always double-check with others to see if they “get” your icon.

Designing Intuitive Iconography

Our work with Avalere Health gave us a chance to create icons for their health content.1 We made icons that were not only easy to understand but also fitted their brand perfectly. This helped improve how people used their digital and print stuff.

Example: Avalere Health Custom Icons

The Avalere Health icon set we made is simple but effective.1 Every icon was designed with great care to match the brand and be easily known. They now play a big role in how Avalere Health shows itself visually.

Avalere Health Custom Icons

Inaccurate Data Visualization

Big data has taken over, making brands speak through numbers like never before.18 Yet, bad data visualization can be harmful if data is misunderstood or wrongly shown.18 It’s key to present data accurately and clearly in graphs and charts. This helps your audience get the right message.

Proper Data Representation

Misrepresenting data can lead us astray with false insights.19 For example, not starting the y-axis at zero can make differences seem bigger or smaller than they are.19 Also, extending y-axis labels can hide trends and change how we see data.19 Choosing data selectively may offer the wrong impression. It’s important to check your visuals thoroughly to avoid confusion.19

Designing Charts and Graphs

18 Color matters in data design, but be careful. Make sure you use colors the way people expect to prevent confusion.18 When using images in graphs, keep the scale consistent. This stops images from looking like they mean more or less than they do.19 Using colors effectively is important too. Use green for positive, red for negative, for example, to avoid mix-ups.19 Pie charts need to total 100%. This ensures an accurate picture of data distribution.19 Choosing the right type of chart helps make information clear, not overwhelming. It’s wise to add context, labels, and proper scale to your visuals for better understanding.19

Common Mistakes in Brand Identity Design

This article has talked about the 12 most common brand identity design mistakes. They range from not knowing your target audience to wrong data visualization.2 Knowing these errors and how to avoid them helps in making a strong brand. This brand will show your values well, connect with the people you want, and stand out.1 Firstly, design at least 50 logo choices for a brand at the beginning. Then, set clear guidelines for logos, colors, and more.1 And don’t forget about marketing personas for your customers.1

To give a consistent brand experience, all elements must work together well.1 A simple color scheme is key. Try 2 main colors, 3-5 that go well with them, and 2 extra colors.1 For better representation, use diverse images of people. This makes your brand more open and true to everyone.1

Show data right to keep your brand trustworthy.1 Use the best ways to design charts and graphs. This will make complex data easier to understand and back up your messages well.2 Make your brand’s look special by avoiding trends. Your design should last, be flexible, and ready for the future without many updates.

Avoiding these brand design mistakes leads to true brand representation. It will connect with the people you want and help your business reach its goals.2


Building a strong brand is key for any business. It takes thoughtful planning.9 Avoiding common mistakes can make your brand stand out. It will connect with your customers and support your business goals.9 Starting with a clear brand strategy is crucial. Focus on your key customers. Don’t shy away from getting advice from branding experts.9 Doing this right can make your brand identity help your business succeed.

This article discussed the20 5 Brand Design Mistakes and the20 5 Website Design Mistakes. These mistakes can harm your brand image.20 It highlighted the importance of design details like colors, typography, images, and how data is shown.20 By putting effort into these areas, you can avoid common website slip-ups. Such as too much content, unclear navigation, and a user journey that’s hard to follow.

Understanding your brand’s reason for being, what it values, and who your customers are is crucial.9 This is the bedrock for creating a visual brand that truly shows who you are. It will draw in customers emotionally. And it will make you stand out in a crowded [Common Mistakes in Brand Identity Design] world.9 Seeking expert help in branding can guide you through the [Common Mistakes in Brand Identity Design] process. This way, you’ll make a brand identity that really connects.


What are some common mistakes in brand identity design?

Many mistakes can happen in brand identity design. These include not understanding who your customers are well. A logo that doesn’t say much, very few design elements, and a website that’s difficult to use are also common errors. Keeping all brand parts in sync, using diverse images, choosing good fonts, and following a clear design system are key. Too many colors, icons that are hard to figure out, and data that’s shown wrongly are also big mistakes.

How can I ensure my brand identity aligns with my core values and target audience?

To make sure your brand lines up with what you believe and who you’re trying to reach, use a tool like a Brand Heart workbook. This will help you define your brand’s goals and values. Also, make marketing personas to understand what your customers want and need.

What makes a strong, cohesive logo design?

A good logo should show what your brand stands for and what it aims to do. It must connect well with the rest of your brand. Lots of careful designing, usually with many different ideas, goes into making a great logo.

What elements should be included in a comprehensive brand identity?

For a full brand identity, make a list of must-haves for your designers. This should cover your logo, colors, and fonts, plus how you use them. It should also include guidelines for photos, illustrations, and more. Don’t forget about videos, interactive content, data displays, and web designs.

How can I ensure my brand’s web design is user-friendly and responsive?

Designing for the web means thinking about all the ways people will use your site. Make sure your logo and interactive parts work well on small screens. Your site should be easy to understand and use, no matter the device.

How can I create a cohesive and consistent brand identity?

A connected brand needs all its parts to work together. This means the fonts, colors, and designs you pick should all fit well with your brand’s main message. This way, everything feels like it belongs together.

Why is representation in brand imagery important?

The images you choose reflect your brand’s values. They also reach out to people from different walks of life. Make sure your brand shows a variety of people in its images. Include guidelines on using diverse images in your brand rules.

How can I ensure my brand’s typography is legible and appropriate?

Good typography can make your brand look great. Test your font choices to see if they are easy to read. Using fonts that match your logo and brand style is a smart move.

What is a design system and why is it important for my brand?

A design system lays out how your brand looks and feels. This makes it easier for people to understand and remember you. Just follow the design rules for things like headlines, text, and images.

How many colors should be in my brand’s color palette?

For a strong brand look, keep your colors simple. Use 2 main colors and a few more that go well together. Add in 2 accent colors. This mix of colors will give your brand a polished feel.

How can I design effective, intuitive icons for my brand?

Icons should be clear and easy to get. They help people understand quickly. Have someone make sure your icons say what you want them to, in a clear way.

How can I ensure my brand’s data visualization is accurate and effective?

When you show data, stick to common chart designs. This makes your data easy to understand. It’s the best way to share information clearly.

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